Welcome to St. Thomas Church
We're SO thankful you're checking us out! The apostle Thomas (one of Jesus' original 12 followers) is often referred to as the patron saint of doubters. He inspires us at STC. We believe that the God we worship is big enough to wrestle with, to question, to yell at, and to fight with. In fact, the people of Israel got their name by being those who wrestle and prevail with God. We want to live into that tradition, so at STC we welcome your questions and your doubts.
Beyond that, we are about creativity. We are tired of the old, the outdated, and the irrelevant. And we are working to breathe new life into the Church! We are going to do things differently. No more thys and thous -- we want to pray the way people talk. We want our rituals to make sense to our neighbors. So join our effort in helping us do church better. We need you!
546 High St NE
Salem, OR
Our Mission
Our community exists to participate in God’s ongoing project of inviting all people into a radically welcoming Kindom of Shalom. We seek to respond to the blind spots and failures of the Church, so that we might create new spaces of transformation.
Our Vision
We gather to reframe timeless Christian truths and practices in a language and style that makes sense today. We seek to heal and reveal the image of God in ourselves, our neighbors, and our communities so that God’s Jubilee might be experienced by everyone.
Our Values
We value authenticity, wrestling with God, loving our neighbor, creativity in worship, growing in faith, and remaining rooted in the life and teaching of Jesus so that our community becomes an environment of mutuality and practice.
You can learn more about our beliefs by clicking here
Join Us for Our Current Sermon Series:
Hebrews 12:1-2a tells us, “So then, with endurance, let’s also run the race that is laid out in front of us, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us. Let’s throw off any extra baggage, get rid of the sin that trips us up, and fix our eyes on Jesus, faith’s pioneer and perfecter. “ Endurance is hard. Running the race is hard. And living in the world in 2025 is hard. And so, for Lent we will look to the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us to find our strength to fix our eyes on Jesus.
Who are we?
MAT HOLLEN serves as the lead pastor at St. Thomas. Mat has been involved in full-time ministry for 19 years. He studied theology in college and went on to complete a Masters of Divinity from George Fox (now Portland) Seminary. Mat worked for the para-church ministry, Young Life, for five years and has a passion for helping people see how compelling Jesus can be. Mat is married to his incredible wife Becca. They live in South Salem with their sons Emmett & Noah, their dogs Zoey & Winnie, and their 33 chickens
Our LEADERSHIP TEAM, which is made up of elected partners from the congregation, serve alongside Mat to guide and support St Thomas in all manner of ways, from updating budgets, to planning events, to accountability, and so much more
But a church is not defined by its pastor; it is defined by its people
St. Thomas is a welcoming and intentionally inclusive community made up of so many incredible people. We are young. We are old. We are wealthy. We are not so wealthy. We are educated. We aren't. We are white. We are BIPOC. We are cisgendered. We are LGBTQIA+, We are married. We are single. We like tea and coffee, beer and wine, juice and milk. We are thinkers, feelers, artists, musicians, teachers, learners, and so much more. We come together often to talk about life, faith, fear, doubt and how they all intersect. Together we do our best to follow Jesus with our whole lives (though we fail often) and together we do our best to be Jesus' body in Salem and in the world. We are congregationally led, with decisions made by our leadership team and our community, Here's what we believe.
Sunday worship is laid back, and opt-in focused. You can join us in singing, participate in a discussion after the message, engage in prayer stations, or do whatever you need to be with Jesus in the way that you need to be with Jesus that day.
Want to Get Involved at St. Thomas?
See What's Coming Up
Give to STC
If you are interested in supporting St. Thomas Church there are three options to do so.
***All donations are tax deductible***
Option 1 :
We offer a children's curriculum every Sunday called, "Godly Play" where kids and wonder together about what God might be doing. Some of your donations go to continuing to develop a space for our kiddos along with the other ministries of this community
Option 2 :
Drop your Check or Cash in the Joy Box located in the Sanctuary at any point during the Service!
Option 3 :
Mail a Check made out to St. Thomas Church to the address: